File src/Ext/Notes.php
class Tlf\Scrawl\Extension\Notes
Literally does nothing except the constructor and $scrawl property. Just a base class to save boilerplate on the interface
See source code at /src/Ext/Notes.php
protected array $notes = [];
notes: <string rel_file_path, array notes_within_file>
notes_within_file: <int index, array note>
note: ['file'=>string, 'line_num'=>int, 'line'=>string]. line is trimmed
public function scan_file_processed(string $path, string $relPath, string $file_content, array $file_exports)
Record each @NOTE line with it's file path & line number information
Called when an individual file is finished being processed
public function scan_filelist_processed(array $code_files, array $all_exports)
Write the file
Called when all files are finished being processed